Monday, May 11, 2009

Mini-Ab Circuit Workout

Mini-Ab Circuit Workout

Here is a mini-ab circuit that you can do anywhere. No weights required.

As a personal trainer I am always designing quick and intense workouts that help my clients lose the most amount of fat in the shortest amount of time.

Most people think that having a lean mid-section comes with just working them out and while this is half true the other half has to do with nutrition. Don’t forget to eat right so that you get the most out of your ab workouts.

That layer of fat above your abs is there and you won’t get rid of it just by working out. For more on eating right check out Nutrition 101.

Here is your Ab Circuit workout for a chiseled mid-section.

Start with a low plank and hold here for 10-30 seconds then without bringing your knees to the floor move into a high plank for another 10-30 seconds.

Take a 30 second break if you need to but if you don’t then go into a Low Plank to High Plank for reps about 20 reps.

Take a 30 second break if you need to but if you don’t move into an in place mountain climber for 20 reps each leg and then move into a Cross Mountain Climber for another 20 reps each leg.

Repeat workout 2x’s for a total of 3 circuits.

Click on this link to view the circuit done live by me at Ab Circuit Workout that way you can see the exercises done one by one.

That is the workout and should take you no more than 10-15 minutes to complete 3 circuits of it. You will need to rest of course during the middle of it at first but as you get stronger and have more stamina you won’t need any rest.

Remember nutrition is the key to reaching your fitness goals. Weight loss is how are bodies are defined in society.

Keep Burning Fat

Your Personal Trainer

Michael LoColle

Sunday, March 29, 2009

10 Minute Circuit Workouts for Getting Shredded Six Pack Abs

10 Minute Circuit Workouts for Getting Shredded Six Pack Abs

As we get closer to summer we all start to change the way we eat, drink, and take care of our bodies.

The truth is everyone wants to look better naked which means looking better on the beach.

If you want that ultimate Shredded Six Pack then you need to pay attention to the ab circuit workout below.

Start with the following and do them in a row then repeat.

Warm Up Ab Routine:

Static Leg Holds heals 6 Inches off the ground.

Lie flat on your back keeping your head relaxed at all times. Take your feet and put them straight out in front of you together. Your heals will be about 6 inches off the ground. The exercise is meant to work your lower abs.

Hold these for about 20-30 seconds to start of with and you will gradually work your way up to 60 seconds.


Turn onto your stomach. Go into a pushup position where you are up on your toes. The difference here is that you will be on your forearms with your fists touching each other making a triangle with your arms.

Your body will be as stiff as a board making sure that you do not let your mid-section fall into the floor. Tighten your abs the whole time.

Hold this again for 20-30 seconds to start with working your way up to a minute.


This one is pretty easy to explain. Lie flat on your stomach and bring your chest and thighs off the floor like superman.

Hold this again for 20-30 seconds working your way up to a minute.

Repeat this one more time.

Here is the workout you will move into after the initial warm up.

Static Leg Holds Heals 6 inches off the ground:

I love this exercise as when you incorporate it with an active ab exercise it will work wonders.

Hold these for 30 seconds then move into Leg Raises

So basically here is what it would look like.

Hold legs out for 30 seconds then do a set of 10 holding your legs together and raising them until your feet are parallel to the ceiling.

Repeat this workout 3 times.

This is a simple 10-15 minute ab routine that you can do anywhere.

Look for more ab routines coming soon

Until Next Time


Saturday, March 28, 2009

5 Quick Tips to Staying Healthy During Cold andFlu Season!

Quick Tips to Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season!

I am writing this today since well yup I got sick. I am not happy about it and the last time I was sick was about 2 years ago. That's right. Could you imagine going 2 years without being sick well if you can't you have to read below.

Drink Plenty of Vitamin C or take the tablet form

Which ever one you choose it doesn't matter but it is a must to helping your immune system.
So what's a good amount to take?

The FDA states that an amount of 60mg is sufficient.

Well here is what I take. 1000mg a day but that's just me.

Keep in mind the following:

Taking excessive amounts of vitamin C (more than about 1000 mg per day) may cause nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and possibly kidney stones. Discuss the use of vitamin supplements with your doctor.

Keep Hydrated:

This one is so simple that I believe I have included it in many of my articles and blog posts.There have been studies tying headaches to not having enough water in your body.

Now here is what we have been told for years. Drink 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Now let's think about this one for a minute.

If you weigh more shouldn't you drink more? If you workout more and stay very active don't you need more?

I think you get the picture. Get plenty of water every day.

Eat Healthy:

If you keep to a consistent healthy meal plan every day then you are more likely to stay healthy.
I'm not saying that you can't treat yourself but that doesn't mean eating like crap everyday.

Plenty of veggies, fruits, protein, good fats, and solid carbs for energy.

Keep stress out of your life at all cost.

By remaining stress free your body is more likely to stay healthy and not be brought down by bacteria waiting to get it's hands on someone who is stressed by life.

Try getting back to the simple things in life like listening to your favorite music, get a hobby if you don't have one, take a walk on the beach.

Just make sure to give back to yourself since you spend about 99% of your time giving back to everyone else.

Well how can you stay stress free. Read the next and last tip.


Studies have shown that exercise helps to aid your mind and body when it confronts stressful situations.

Workout at least 3 times per week and you will find yourself having more energy, a better body and a bit more of a stress free life.

I live by these tips.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weird Reason Breakfast is Boring

Weird Reason Breakfast is Boring

This morning I was sitting in front of my computer struggling to come up with a catchy title for this. I was thinking - yet again - about stressing the importance of breakfast to you.

So as I sat there trying to be clever I mumbled out loud, "Breakfast is boring."

And there you have it. That's exactly how I came up with this title. But do NOT take this message lightly.

You see, I know you're heard it a million times before. "You have to eat breakfast." And I know it's not a super sexy message. But do you have any idea how many people I meet as a fitness professional that, DO NOT eat breakfast?

A lot. And do you have any idea how many of those people that don't eat breakfast are overweight?

Pretty much all of them.

Look, I'm not crazy. I know you don't have much time in the morning. And I know many of you just aren't all that hungry right after you wake up.

So let's look at this another way. You get up each morning and go to work every day because you want a roof over your head and food on the table, right? Day after day after day you go to work because you want the RESULT of that effort.

Well, IF you want to burn fat, feel better and have more energy you WILL eat breakfast every morning. Period. End of discussion.

Some things are boring. Some things just have to be done to get the result you want. For those of you that want to burn fat all day long, breakfast is just one of those things.

Until Next Time


PS - Prograde Lean is a DELICIOUS chocolate meal replacement shake that I recommend. It's the perfect solution to breakfast.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Michael Phelps, Bongs and 6 Pack Abs

Michael Phelps, Bongs and 6 Pack Abs

So by now you've probably heard that Olympic champion Michael Phelps has gotten himself into a little bit of hot (bong) water. I felt I couldn't let this opportunity slip by without sharing some lessons from his mishap.

First, we all have to remember that we're role models. Somebody somewhere is looking up to us for guidance. It's a shame Michael Phelps screwed up, but he did. What's done is done. I know it reminded me that as a, fitness pro, I MUST lead by example.

Second, again, he screwed up. And while I'm not one to give people a million chances, I do believe in second chances. Forgiveness, which, when it comes to melting fat, and getting fit, is VERY important.

I can tell you from experience working with hundreds of people with similar goals to yours, you WILL screw up somewhere along the way. The key to success is to forgive you’re self and move forward. The people who truly fail are the ones that just give up the first time they make a mistake.

Third, this has nothing to do with what Michael Phelps has recently done, but it's another great reminder. If you want a lean, hard body and 6 pack abs, you're going to need to WORK. Regardless of his recent actions Michael Phelps is an Olympic Champ because he worked his rear end off. Don't fool yourself into thinking achieving your fitness goals is going to be a piece of cake.

Fourth, much was made during the Olympics of Michael Phelps and the massive amounts of calories he was consuming. If YOU want to get into peak condition you need the proper nutrition. Period!

Look, if you're not eating enough fruits and vegetables you need a Whole Foods based multi like like Prograde Nutrition's VGF 25+

If you aren't optimizing your workouts by refueling with the correct blend of carbs to protein (based on the research) then you need to start using Prograde Workout - like I do.

Anyway, when you see a news story like this one involving Michael Phelps, always remember, to look for the positive lessons you can learn.

Until Next Time


PS - If you're serious about your training and want the best nutritional products, then use what I use - Prograde Nutrition

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fast Fat Loss Plan

Fast Fat Loss Plan

There is a reason few people reach their goals and make their dreams come true.

Do you know what that reason is?

It's because they actually HAVE goals written down. The vast majority of people on this planet do not.

And not only do people that achieve goals actually set goals, they also create a plan to make sure they make things happen.

So where does that leave you?

Do you keep telling yourself you are going to "lose some weight?" Or do you have specific goals and a plan to reach them?

Do you have a plan for what you're going to eat each day so you're not tempted to fill up on fast food? Do you have a deadline for when you're going to reach your goal?

Here's another one: you KNOW you need to be eating breakfast every day. Do you have nutritious food in the house you PLAN on eating each morning?

This is YOUR life. Whether you want your body to look better naked, you want to improve your health, you want to have more energy or whatever your goal is, you, MUST have written goals and a plan to achieve them.

Until Next Time


PS - Fail to plan, plan to fail. Life is easy when you plan for it to be.

If not have you looked into taking advantage of a delicious meal replacement shake like Prograde Lean?

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Change and Action

Change and Action

I am going to talk a bit about making a change and taking action in you’re life to better you’re health through fitness and proper nutrition.

Now this is not a political discussion so what ever you’re beliefs are this has nothing to do with them. It’s about Change and Taking Action.

Last week was a historic week with the inauguration of the first black president in history. We have come a long way in this country. We have changed our thought process. We made history.

President Obama clearly stated that this country needs a change and what did he do on the first day of his Presidency? He made change. Regardless if you agree or disagree with this man he made change by taking action.

So what’s this have to do with fitness and nutrition? Change and Action are required if you want to achieve you’re fitness goals.

In today’s society we have a real problem. America is over weight and I’m not sure that we really realize the true nature of the issue.

So what are we doing to cure obesity in America?

We are the number one country in the world with this problem.

Most people don’t realize that their over weight until it’s too late.

Now it’s at this point that they want to change and help themselves but it’s also at this point that they might feel that they are too far gone to help themselves.

Its effects every part of you’re life, Looks, health, Self Confidence.

So who is the one responsible for curing this epidemic?

The answer is easy. YOU

Yes you. You are the one that needs too take action.

Action is the cure for this issue in our country.

Without taking action you will still be sitting on that couch eating down to the bottom of that bag of chips.

Action only results from wanting to make a change.

The time is now and you can’t wait any longer or this countries issue only gets worse.

I know I might be being a bit hard right now but I feel that people are not taking the problem seriously until you watch the news and see this 800lb man that is stuck in their apartment for the last 5 years because they are not able to get up and fend for themselves.

You might be saying that well he has a thyroid problem or it’s something medical.

Listen that man got that way simply by eating more food than his body required simple.

The time is now and you have to take ACTION!

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.