Sunday, December 7, 2008

Men in your 30's A Must Read about Testosterone!

Alright so you are starting to get older and you’re finding yourself a little less likely to maybe wake up in the morning without any morning surprise. Well not to worry. Follow these tips and you will find yourself back on track and feeling, well let’s just say that your wife will be pleased with how you’re looking at her.

1. Keep meat in your diet. A diet higher in fat promotes higher testosterone. Meat has cholesterol in it, a precursor to many hormones, such as testosterone. Red meat is high in zinc, which supports testosterone. Include steak, lean ground beef or roast beef in two of your five or six daily meals to sustain testosterone levels.

2. Whey Protein. I am such a big supporter of this but only for when you first wake in the morning and then before and after your training session. Whey Protein contains BCAA’s which supply the food for your muscles to grow which you guessed it increases your test level. Make sure to take this with a slow burning carb which is usually items like, oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes. Add in about 5 grams of Glutamine and you have a perfect pre and post workout supplement.

3. Vitamin C: Studies have shown that this supplement can help to lower cortisol levels and well lower cortisol levels means more muscle gains. Supplement and add about 1000mg during your day split that up between your morning and afternoon meals.

4. Remain Stress free, I say this because stress is the main cause for a rise in cortisol levels and this will hinder your muscle gains. Find something that in times of stressful situations keeps you level headed.

5. After training your body has now been stressed and this is the time where cortisol levels rise. To combat this, consume simple sugars with your post workout shake. Here is another reason for taking these simple sugars in. You will create a high insulin environment and this helps to suppress cortisol which is the muscle killing hormone that can put your metabolism into a catabolic state. You want to be in an Anti-catabolic state and promote muscle growth.

6. Lastly do not over train. If you are feeling fatigued then it’s time you take a break from the gym and why not your body is telling you too. When you over train your cortisol levels go crazy and you hinder your chances of muscle growth. You’re body needs a break from time to time to heal and recover from the stresses of training. So sit on the couch and chill.

I think by this point you see a trend within all these tips. It’s called Cortisol and it is the devil and you do not want it anywhere near your muscles. Now don’t get me wrong cortisol is used for some great things such as the fight or flight response. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal gland and under times of great stress it kicks into high gear. Unfortunately it hinders muscle growth.

So guys it’s time you man up and start feeling that pump again, in more ways than one.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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